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Phenology: Grass is greener proverb in the animal world.


Phenology is the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life.
At Quarry Hill we have kept phenology records for decades. Many of our visitors enjoy reading the current month's entries which are logged on the big white board in the Nature Center entryway. While we are closed, our animal care staff continue to keep that daily log at the Nature Center. Those that are working from home also continue to make observations in their own backyards and neighborhoods. We'll share them with you periodically through our social media channels. 

Feel free to share yours with us via email or social media - we enjoy hearing about what's in your backyard, as well!

From Kirk:
Some raptors are nesting right now. These two Rochester area nests are located a few hundred feet from one another. The larger one was built by red-tailed hawks four years ago. Three years ago, the hawks enlarged it and used it again. Last year, great-horned owls took it over. Owls don't build a nest and often will commandeer someone else's. The hawks responded by building the new smaller nest. Both neighboring families, one working the day shift and the other working nights,  successfully raised young.  This year, as you can see, the owls decided to move and go with the newer tiny house.  They already have at least two, month-old young crowding the space. The hawks are back in their original much larger home, hunkered down on developing eggs and not often visible... and maybe, I like to imagine, feeling a special sense of satisfaction:)









From Jill: 
On April 8th, a spotted lady beetle (pictured above) was a welcome bit of color against the brown backdrop of last fall's leaves on the forest floor. 

Other things happening on today's date from our past records:

4/08/10 -  Chipping and Fox Sparrow, Pine Siskins seen in Bird and Bee area at the Nature Center
4/8/01  Waves of Juncos heading north, 5 bats in the cave 
4/8/02  Leopard Frog along stream trail 
4/8/99  Gray tree frog singing near pond